Tuesday, September 30, 2008

It's been a while

I really haven't had much to write about the past few weeks...........actually that is a giant lie. I've had a truckload of stuff happen in my life. All of it good of course :) But none of it I really felt like writing about. But today I have something to write about. What follows is really just a tiny little rant......so feel free to stop reading now.

Don't act like a smart ass then turn around and mispronounce the name of a very prominent journalist who has been on multiple news shows that have pronounced his name correctly.
I am currently in a Political Science classes full of crazy, annoying people who think they know everything. There are several kids in particular that I get annoyed with but one of them struck my last nerve today....I almost wanted to open my mouth to correct him...but then I just would have looked like a bitch. So this kid thinks he is Gods gift to PolSci classes...well today during current events this kid brings up something a very prominent journalist who is also an editor of Newsweek wrote. The name of the journalist is Fareed Zakaria...well the moron called him Fareed Zakary (pronounce the "y" like an "i"). STUPID, MORON, IDIOT, STUPID!!!!!!!!! That was all I wanted to scream at him.
Who honestly....who claims to pay attention to the news and pronouces his name wrong.....what person who watches The Daily Show on a regular basis pronouces his name wrong, i mean he's only on about every 5th episode.
I wish someone had corrected him....this kid is just do damn full of himself. Someone needed to shove him off his high horse, bruise his ego a little.
You can't do that.....you can't act like a big shot but mispronouce this mans name!!!!!.........

Thank you for reading....if you made it this far. Next time I write hopefully it will be more interesting.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

HAHAHA right from the beginning of your rant I was like, it's going to be Zakaria. C'mon now, Mr. Zakareye (Zakacarey/Zeacari/Z) isn't that famous, is he? ;)